The Wild Boars at Ephesus / Shawn Pham

Their paths would choke up in a season
Without the constant use, which surely wears
The boar-flesh worse than the cruel brambles.

(The startled keepers speak a language deep,
An instant communication with bone,
Like a glimpse of serpent or betrayal).

Androklos followed a boar here. The descendants
Of that boar now snuffle and nose old figs.
Athena came and went, and Christ,

But that which has endured and shall endure is
The boar who snorts and nuzzles rotting figs—
That is, the more persistent affliction.

Shawn Pham is a travel photographer from San Francisco. While his health is good he spends the greater part of his years WWOOFing, camping, Couchsurfing, and photographing through Europe, Brazil, Angola, and Mozambique. His poetry has been published recently in The Ocotillo Review and Polyphony Lit.


Prayer at Zagora / Ayoub Skila, translated by Rhyse Maddocks


Ballad of a Homesick Traveler / Ezra Lewis