We do not believe that poetry ought to do anything; we advance no philosophy; we are against none, and for none. We are merely purveyors of aesthetic bliss and overwhelm.

The Idea

Detroit Lit Mag is a small, independent publication against cultural decay. It values and seeks to uphold canonical measures of taste and quality in literature, without losing the spark of the new.

What we’re after

We want you poets whose heads are full of classics; who leak them at every pore.
Dickinson is dead—Stevens is dead—yet surely some several among you are up to the task of sustaining a great American poetry.


We’re possessed of a half-occult belief that unique physical objects, lovingly toiled over, though they seem ever-so-homely, carry a certain spiritual magnetism upon them. In pursuit of utilizing this “magnetism,” we hand-fold every page, and doodle every cover individually. We reject mass printing, and mass production. “The imperfect is our paradise.”


Detroit Lit Mag is a “cryptopublication.” We hide “seeds” (that is, small prints of poems with small drawings on them), in the pages of great books all around the country and abroad, in book stores and in libraries. If you have found one of these “seeds” in your reading, send us an e-mail with a picture for a secret surprise.


If you think the work is noble and good, you can help us continue to do it.

Please buy some lit mags in the shop, or donate here via paypal.

Small handful of literary fanatics.

Sasha Kuznetsova
Graphic Design, Distribution

Riccardo Boscarino
Int’l Distribution

Karina Kitt
Art Director

Robert Hunter
Founding Editor